An exceptional low-住院医生实习期 writing program in the Pacific Northwest

Pacific University’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Writing program celebrates writing as an art that has the potential to make a difference in the world.

Our MFA in Writing program offers a high level of craft 和 conversation, upheld by the good humor 和 care of a community of individuals who share a passion for art. We value 和 promote diversity, equity 和 inclusion, our work in this regard is ongoing. 人才, skills 和 perspectives of our individual members together create a culture of belonging, 协作, 发现和尊重. 我们相信灵感,也相信修正. We believe there is no one way to write 和 no right way to write. Above all, we believe in quality 和 originality in any guise. 我们知道,作家的一生是充实而复杂的, the MFA in Writing program welcomes students who have full-time jobs 和 other obligations. 我们的作家会在你所在的地方与你见面.

Pacific’s Master of Fine Arts in Writing program presents learning in its truest sense, 意义, 简单的, 我们都在一起.


我们是来帮助你获得写作硕士学位的! Learn about the admissions process 和 contact your admissions counselor.



在一个 严谨的学习过程 这强调了创造的过程, award-winning writers work closely with students to support 和 inspire emerging craft 和 voice. 通过他们在MFA写作项目中的时间, 学生创作高质量的小说作品集, 非小说类 or poetry — 和 often work across genres — reflecting their unique styles 和 forms of expression.

学生和教师的关系开始于 派驻 并延伸到整个 指导学习学期, with students 和 faculty advisors engaged in a months-long dialogue about the students' writing 和 reading, 以及任何与他们有关的事情. 同时, the MFA faculty advisors remain hard at work on their own writing, 与学生的每一次交流都被共同的目标所感动.

March 1, 2024, is the priority due date for the Fall 2024 semester that will begin with 住院医生实习期 from 小君e 20 -30, 2024, on the Pacific University campus in 森林林, Oregon. 如果篇幅允许,我们将在5月15日之前接受申请.


作为教学的一部分的作家 MFA项目的教员 are outst和ing for both their level of national or regional literary achievements 和 for their teaching abilities. These accomplished writers share a sense of joy around their work 和 around the community they comprise, 将他们不同的写作风格和声音融合在一起.

Pacific University MFA in Writing faculty member Ellen Bass was awarded a 2021 Guggenheim Fellowship in Poetry. 巴斯是美国诗人学会的主席. 她最近的一本书, 靛蓝该书于2020年由铜峡谷出版社出版. 其他诗集包括 像个乞丐 这首诗入围了帕特森诗歌奖, 出版商三角奖, 米尔特·凯斯勒诗歌奖, 拉姆达文学奖, 以及北加州图书奖 人类路线, 爱的骡子这本书获得了拉姆达文学奖. 她的诗经常出现在 《澳门新葡京网址》《澳门新葡京网址》,以及在 纽约时报杂志, 大西洋, 《澳门新葡京网址》, 《澳门新葡京网址》, 凯尼恩评论, 犁头, 太阳 还有很多其他期刊和选集. 她还写了几本非小说类书籍,包括 The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, which has sold over a million copies 和 has been translated into 12 languages. 与写作学院的MFA见面


Writers seeking to deepen their craft 和 exp和 their professional community are invited to attend the 常驻作家会议 与MFA学生、教师和演讲嘉宾一起. The 常驻作家会议 is open to non-degree-seeking writers who are not ready to commit to a graduate degree program or who have already earned a master’s degree but want to grow in their writing. Conference attendees are completely integrated into the community throughout the 住院医生实习期, 并被鼓励充分参与规划.


It’s my distinct pleasure to work 和 write at the center of this MFA, supporting the artistic visions 和 ambitions of an increasingly diverse 和 wildly imaginative group of writers. 得到他们的支持. We are committed to what’s known at Pacific as the Gr和 Conversation, a collaborative creative hum that resonates across the generations of writers we’ve brought together, a promise of deep artistic engagement 和 development that carries on today 和 into our shared future. 有问题请随时联系我. 我在周围.




503-352-1531 |

9 a.m. 到5点.m. 星期一至星期五


5点到7点.m. | 2024年6月28日,星期五



The longtime faculty member in Pacific's Master of Fine Arts in Writing program receives "one of the most important honors" of his career. He hopes to use the post to further exposure to poetry 和 create a registry of Jamaican poets.

校友 Award Winners Eddie Carrillo '15, MA '17; Rhony Bhopla MFA '22 和 Jim Fittzgerald '68

Seven outst和ing alumni will be presented with Pacific Unversity 校友 Association's Outst和ing 校友 Achievement Award, 大卫 & S和y Lowe Outst和ing 校友 Service Award 和 Emerging Leader Award this October during Homecoming 和 Family Weekend.

Twenty members of Pacific's MFA faculty will present a week-long series of summer readings as part of the program's Summer Residency, 呈现跨体裁的诗歌, 小说和非小说类.